Science in Jesus' Life:
The importance of truth co-ordination in one's thinking
The importance of truth co-ordination in one's thinking
by Dr. Jeffrey H. Wattles
(All quotational references refer to The Urantia Book)
(All quotational references refer to The Urantia Book)
We each want to live an integrated life, with science a part of a growing
mind in a progressive personality. But how do we do it? How do we approach
this great ideal?
Are we all just supposed to go out and get super-involved with science?
Somehow it seems that there's more to it than that.
It's not easy:
Modern technology can be so complex that some people just get turned off.There is so much poor science these days that fails to distinguish correlation from causation.There is so much confusing dispute between the experts.And there are the well-known ethical problems with science.
So how are we going to strengthen the scientific component in our lives?
My two-part answer is philosophic and biographic.
I can put the philosophic part very briefly. We can begin by recognizing
and affirming our God-given intuitive capacity for recognizing facts and
discerning causal relationships. Some popular books today tell their
readers about releasing the mystic within you or releasing the artist within
you. We could equally well speak of actualizing the scientist within you.
We all have capacities beyond what most of us usually use. We simply need
the courage to affirm and sharpen our scientific intuition.
The biographic part of the answer is a reflection on Jesus' life.
The apostles had not been successful in their teaching. They were fleeing
through northern Galilee and bewildered about what was going on. Jesus'
blunt explanation to them included these words: "Consider the Greeks, who have a science without religion, while
the Jews have a religion without science. And when men become thus misled
into accepting a narrow and confused disintegration of truth, their only
hope of salvation is to become truth-co-ordinated--converted.
"Let me emphatically state this eternal truth: If you, by truth
co-ordination, learn to exemplify in your lives this beautiful wholeness
of righteousness, your fellow men will then seek after you that they may
gain what you have so acquired."
We can understand this teaching by looking at Jesus' life.
First, Jesus became acquainted with nature as a child and continued
his interest into adulthood. "Jesus' earliest training, aside
from that of the home hearth, had to do with a reverent and sympathetic
contact with nature." He asked lots of questions concerning
science. He studied the habits of the fish on the Sea of Galilee
so closely that he could predict catches that others regarded as miraculous.
Next, Jesus understood the essential truths of philosophy of science,
as we see in his discourse on science. He knew the limitations of science
and taught a friendly universe in which fact and value have a common cause
in the Paradise Father.
Next, Jesus got to know all kinds of people well. In order to
understand how Jesus exemplified his teaching about science and the beautiful
wholeness of righteousness, we need to expand the concept of science to
include social science. The scientific component in his righteousness included
more than a superb knowledge of weather and the habits of fish. Jesus carried
out a thorough study of how men make a living. We are told that
"The real purpose of his trip around the Mediterranean Basin was to
know men. He came very close to hundreds of humankind on this journey.
He met and loved all manner of men, rich and poor, high and low, black
and white, educated and uneducated, cultured and uncultured, animalistic
and spiritual, religious and irreligious, moral and immoral."
Next, Jesus thoroughly studied the scriptures and associated literature.
One of the humanistic sciences is the science of interpreting texts. At
the age of 13 Jesus began a painstaking topical study of the scriptures
and associated literature in order to deal with every implication they
might hold for his life work. At age 26 in Capernaum,"he
spent at least five evenings a week at intense study."
the four months of intensive training with the first six apostles, Jesus
explained that "they should spend three hours every evening in study
and preparation for their future work."
Jesus never wore his learning on his sleeve; his apostles were surprised
to hear him discourse on a sophisticated level. But his masterful knowledge
was always there when he needed it, for example, during his last week in
the flesh, when he was challenged by the Sadducees who did not believe
in resurrection. They were the professional specialists in the first five
books of the Bible. Jesus showed that from those very scriptures a subtle
inference could be drawn to overturn their skeptical doctrine: "And
even your Father Moses understood this, for, in connection with his experiences
at the burning bush, he heard the Father say, `I am the God of Abraham,
the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' " The present tense
of that verb--I am the God of Abraham, rather than I was the God of Abraham--implies
that the relationship is a present one, and hence that Abraham has been
resurrected. Jesus saw the implication that the specialists had missed--but
he didn't go around showing off this grammatical subtlety. It was merely
ready in case it was ever needed.
Next, Jesus courageously faced the hard facts. We are told that
"Science is the source of facts, and mind cannot operate without facts."
My point is complementary: facts are the beginning of science.
One of the reasons for Judas' downfall is that "he did not like to
face facts frankly."
We have a tendency to think that science has to do with those facts
that are remote from us. We tend not to use our scientific abilities on
intimate matters. But rigorous and tough-minded thinking must invade the
realms of daily life. Scientific integrity begins at home.
Jesus at the age of 12 had been called by the celestial messenger to
be about his Father's business; but then he found himself after Joseph's
death faced with a family emergency. He faced the facts and "rightly
reasoned that the watchcare of his earthly father's family must take precedence
of all duties."
Jesus told his followers about the hard facts of the social environment
in which they were laboring for truth. In the Ordination Sermon he said,
"In all the business of the kingdom I exhort you to show just judgment
and keen wisdom. Present not that which is holy to dogs, neither cast your
pearls before swine, lest they trample your gems under foot and turn to
rend you. I warn you against false prophets who will come to you in sheep's
clothing, while on the inside they are as ravening wolves."
Throughout Jesus' public career he was keenly aware of the political
situation, staying clear of danger early in his public career when opposition
began to mount in Jerusalem; confronting challenges in the Epochal Sermon
when open conflict had become inevitable; telling his followers to be realistic--to
count the cost of being a disciple; warning his disciples about the downfall
of Jerusalem and the enmity of the world; all the while proclaiming the
primal facts of the sovereignty of God and the love of the Father
for the individual.
Finally, Jesus organized his knowledge into idea-decisions. So
often we collect a piece of knowledge and leave it there, sitting on the
shelf of the mind. We gather information, but we don't wrestle issues to
the point of judgment, decision. We become passive consumers of information
in a scientistic culture. But we have an alternative: to take that piece
of knowledge and to bring to actualization its contribution to decision
and action.
"Revelation teaches mortal man that, to start such a magnificent
and intriguing adventure, he should begin by the organization of knowledge
into idea-decisions."
Right after his baptism, Jesus prepared for his great decisions by recalling
his full range of planetary knowledge. We are told, "Jesus thought
over the whole span of human life on Urantia, from the days of Andon and
Fonta, down through Adam's default, and on to the ministry of the Melchizedek
of Salem."
We would like to know much more than we do about Jesus the scientist.
We are given very little of the data he collected empirically. But we are
given, from time to time, results of his knowledge of humankind. Jesus
organized his knowledge into idea-decisions--and also into instructions
for his followers. Consider a few of his teachings which embody the knowledge
of cause and effect, of action and result:
He had his apostles begin with personal ministry before public preaching.
He taught that sharers of truth should "not undertake to show men
the beauties of the temple until you have first taken them into the temple."
And he predicted that "The persistent preaching of this gospel
of the kingdom will some day bring to all nations a new and unbelievable
liberation, intellectual freedom, and religious liberty."
And what knowledge of humanity is embedded in his new commandment: "Love
one another as I have loved you."!
There is a danger for us: we have not acquired the empirical foundation
for these teachings; we may fail to understand why they are important;
we may act contrary to their implicit wisdom; and we may have to rediscover
their truth through a harvest of unhappiness.
We have the priceless opportunity of intelligent participation in the
evolution of our universe. Science is on trial before the bar of human
need. Will we utilize our scientific capacities to understand and act in
accord with divine teaching or will we do something else with these abilities?
Science requires courage and honest adventure. And it touches upon the
beliefs at the root of our actions. Will we follow the Master fully in
our devotion to truth?
"If you, by truth co-ordination, learn to exemplify in your lives
this beautiful wholeness of righteousness, your fellow men will then seek
after you that they may gain what you have so acquired."
* * *
We can live in a more truth-co-ordinated way by basing our lives more
perfectly on what we can learn from science. (This might involve exercise,
nutrition, rest, recycling, or a more intelligent approach to our work
or study.) What personal growth project would you like to undertake along
these lines? Write down one or more needs that you would like to work on.
For each of these needs, answer the following questions:
1. How does this need require you to become more of a scientist yourself,
making observations, testing hypotheses, etc.?
2. How does this need require you to explore more of what science has
already discovered?
3. How does this need require you to put into practice what you already
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