Man is a unique being amongst all creatures.  Man is dual in nature, who has spiritual and physical, material body.  It is the breath of life that keeps man a living being. The air that man breaths in and out to live is spiritual, but not purchasable by money.  It is only a living person that enjoys material wealth purchased by money.
Shall we revere him who keeps us alive?  Definitely in worship and obedience to our Maker, Jehovah God, because HE is the only sole authority who gives us life, now and forever.  And without life in us, there would have not been anyone that exists.  Therefore, mankind must obey our maker the Almighty Jehovah.
Man is endowed with wisdom, understanding, knowledge and reason to manipulate the material synergetic, biophysically, biochemically and mechanics to producing all kinds of wealth, edifice and human comfort.  Christian churches abound everywhere as sinfulness abound.  Lip service born-again abound as wickedness abound everywhere.  Lip service believers abound everywhere as ungodliness exhibits in daily wantonness.
If a man is a born-again Christian believer in truth and in body, mind and soul, that person becomes a righteous follower of our LORD and Savior, Jesus the Christ.  “GOD is a Spirit, and so, those who worship him must worship him in truth and in spirit.”  Is one a believer in our Lord Jesus Christ, whereas he does not love his neighbor as himself?  The Holy Spirit of truth, the comforter of mankind abhors all falsehood, injustice and evil fomentation, such a character is already condemned.  Anyone who prefers evil against goodness is already condemned, no matter your loathsome position in span.

If judgment starts from the church or religions, this is the judgment in your conscience, over your daily activities.  And if you doubt the impeccable justice, the natural phenomena will incase rate you into your DOOM


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